We have noticed in recent years that when we get closer to summer, it becomes very difficult to source an approved tent for the art fair. This year, we will begin offering 6×6 tents for sale. These tents are approved by the Washtenaw Non Profits and the City of Ann Arbor for use in the Art Fair. The purchase link will be on this page, as well as distributed in email & social communication. There will be limited tents available per year, so please reserve yours quickly. An email will go out as soon as our stock order comes in, so pay attention to your inbox. Make sure to either get a tent with fire retardant fabric, or to get fire retardant spray to apply on your tent. This will ensure all tents are up to fire code.
The Nonprofit section offers a 6×6 booth space and a 10×10 booth space. Since our 10×10 booth spaces are “hot ticket items” they sell out fast. Because of that, if we have extra spaces available by the time we organize spaces per nonprofit we sometimes are able to offer two 6×6 size spaces next to each other.
Booth measurements:
Single: 6 ft x 6 ft
“Double”: 10 ft x 10 ft
(2) Singles: 6 ft x 12 ft
Make sure to purchase or bring tent weights for your tent. These are a requirement as the wind can carry tents away. You will be responsible for your tent at all times.